Aki Sato
Tariffville, CT, USA, CTRide
10/17/2013 Quarry Road Loop, wanted to get out since it was over 70 degrees out
- Distance17.3 mi
- Time58m 30s
- Elevation535 ft
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Zwift - Race: Stage 2: Pinarello Powered - Park Perimeter Loop || Using Racing Score (D) on Park Perimeter Loop in New York - made it 5 min? was 120-150% FTP most of that time. Sprinted, horrible effort, went easy because shifter is shifting on its own
View VirtualRide9/10/2024 walk on a beautiful evening
View WalkZwift - Race: Stage 2: Pinarello Powered - Park Perimeter Loop || Using Racing Score (D) on Park Perimeter Loop in New York - worked super hard, 162bpm when I got shelled 6 min in (?), worked hard after, 150s a lot, 160 going into final, hardest I can go
View VirtualRideZwift - Race: Zwift Crit Racing Club - Castle Crit || Using Racing Score (D) on Castle Crit in Makuri Islands - only 1 other rider, even though it said 4 riders. other rider let me stay on for 15 min so that was nice, then he rode off
View VirtualRideZwift - Race: Stage 2: Pinarello Powered - Park Perimeter Loop (C) on Park Perimeter Loop in New York - shelled 6 min in, steering rider was denying draft so attacked him (for 19th lol). Worked hard, HR very high so that was good
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