In 2016 the Uptown Gentlefriends invited their friends and families to join them for a FREE 12 hour social run at the local high school track. At the end of the day over 40 people showed up and every one of them logged AT LEAST 1 lap. As a group they logged 984 laps - that's 246 miles!
Every year more and more folks show up throughout the day to run or walk a lap. Even though 2020 had lower attendance due to Covid our top runner logged 55 miles in 12 hours but then we went right back to it in 2021 where we had over 80 runners and our top runner ran over 50 miles!
Join us in 2022 for the 7th Annual Uptown Gentlefriends 12 Hour Track Attack! We will have several coolers with cold drinks and delicious snacks. We will also have some chairs and a canopy to relax under. Bring your families; several kids run every year; all ages are welcome!
Come out, get some fresh air and get some steps in. Walk a lap or run many. Or bring a book and just hang out with us all day. Many of us are using this as training for upcoming endurance runs, so your presence alone will motivate us - we need the help!
Runners will be responsible for counting their own laps, we use an honor system. There will be a chalkboard at the aid station where participants can keep track and update their lap count.
If for any reason we have to leave the track we will temporarily run a half mile blacktop loop directly across the street in the park until we are able to return back to the track.
We're hoping that there will be port-o-pottys available at the track, they usually are. Otherwise there are permanent restrooms at the park located across the street (about a quarter mile away, that distance counts!).
Rain date will be the next day; April 24th.
For more information and pictures from previous Track Attacks visit: