+ 22

2023 PKR John Holmes

Cycling Route

77.23 mi
7,094 ft
77 miles and 7,000 ft of climbing. Mr. Holmes is our best work, and the man is back on form. 13 additional miles the PKR hasn't seen in years... and our first ever trip to Mohican State Park. There's no bailout on the John Holmes unless you make one up on the fly. This route builds on the previous two, but splits at Hazlett and Wheatcraft to head toward Mohican country. It includes a gravel section. If you're feeling sporty and want a challenge, this is the one for you.
Created By
Jay Allred

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Gass-Steam Crnrs-Denman to top1.61 mi253 ft3.0%
Gass Road - Beginners Loop Hill0.93 mi141 ft2.9%
Kings Corners W Rd East1.22 mi-69 ft-0.8%
Algire south to Woodberry road1.43 mi112 ft1.2%
Bellville-Johnsville Rd East – Darlington to Renie3.76 mi-79 ft-0.3%
Renie Rd Climb to Poorman1.03 mi190 ft3.5%
Garber Hill1.51 mi315 ft3.9%
Garber, Mishey-Hamilton0.24 mi-56 ft-4.3%
Hazlett Rd0.57 mi171 ft5.5%
Mohican 3234 Climb1.15 mi318 ft5.2%
Down Hill1.43 mi-341 ft-4.5%
Gate to Bridge (downhill southside)1.39 mi-364 ft-4.9%
North Side1.00 mi315 ft6.0%
Mohican Park Road from Covered Bridge North1.07 mi325 ft5.8%
Goon Road Climb1.34 mi210 ft2.3%
PHill Dam toward lodge0.51 mi213 ft7.9%
Cabin Climb™️0.48 mi203 ft8.0%