IA State Gravel TT Course


21,59 mi
669 ft
Start on pavement just a few blocks from Millstream Brewery. Route turns to gravel with rolling hills about a mile later. Pace yourself, no reason to blow up already. Once you ride by the gun range (don't yell at them), Turn right on Greencastle ave B road to the iconic bridge (bunny hop or dismount required to enter/exit bridge). Watch for debris, rocks, fishermen, etc. After the bridge, is where the real state champs are separated from the rest on the first water crossing. Water can be above waist or ride-able - depends on the the year. Fortunately, the first rider out gets to let the rest of us know just how deep it is. Continue south and turn right on Swan lake road. Follow this flat, heavily graveled road to the next left turn. If you miss it, you end up in the Iowa river via a boat ramp. If you make the turn, you still may think you missed it because there is another water crossing just much less wide than the Iowa river. Continue south and turn right on Cemetery road and then right again onto Crabin road. Follow this twisty, gravel road all the way to the infamous B road climb/decent to the finish. Don't let the ruts, mud or neighbor's chickens slow you down as you cross the line soggy wet, covered in dust, and hopefully with a bike still intact. An easy recovery ride up 151 and then east on the bike path gets you back to Millstream Brewery.
Gemaakt door
Ben Anderson

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
The Amana Gravel Drop1,37 mi-151 ft-1,1%