
Quick Ride: Step Mom -> Your Mom -> Alice

Mountain Biking Trail

5.46 mi
411 ft
Take Your Mom and Step Mom for a quick ride.

For a fun, quick ride on the southwest corner of Vegas, take Step Mom, Your Mom, and Alice for a spin.

You'll find this short, beginner-friendly loop on the northern end of the Bear's Best trail system. This expansive trail system offers a serious spider web of interconnecting singletrack trails. It mashes into the Southwest Ridge trail system to such an extent that it can be difficult to tell where one trail system ends and the other begins. It can even be connected to the Cowboy Trails and the Blue Diamond Trails without much difficulty. In short, the web of trails on this side of Vegas offers a limitless number of ride options, of which this is just one.

After following the standard path to pedal into the Bear's Best trail system, you'll keep pedaling up Step Mom to reach Your Mom. Your Mom offers a flowy, fun trail that bobs and weaves through the mellow dirt hills and arroyos of the desert. The trail tread is downright smooth, although punctuated by the occasional rock. These few rock obstacles earn the ride a "Moderate" FATMAP difficulty rating, but plenty of beginner mountain bikers will still enjoy the pleasures found on Your Mom.

After swooping along Your Mom, you'll go down fast and furious on Alice. The flowy, fast singletrack continues but down a persistent downhill grade, swooping and flowing back to the entrance to the trail system, near the end of the canal.

If you haven't had enough yet, try climbing TK to the top of a low pass and then descending Perma Grin. That short loop will drop you right back to where you're currently standing for a few welcome bonus miles. For even more bonus miles, check out the full Perma Grin loop here on FATMAP. Written by Greg Heil
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
BAWAL ANG SUPOT😝1.27 mi148 ft2.2%
Belgium Friture Climb0.83 mi112 ft2.5%
BURAT ALLEY💪0.67 mi95 ft2.7%
First Dirt Extended0.41 mi52 ft2.4%
First Dirt0.26 mi30 ft1.9%
StepMom Ascent0.61 mi154 ft4.7%
StepMom Connector UP0.14 mi7 ft0.7%
Mom's Best0.86 mi-82 ft-1.3%
Alice 0.40 mi-85 ft-4.0%
Last Dirt0.26 mi-26 ft-2.0%
Last Dirt Extended0.40 mi-52 ft-2.4%
KUPAL ANG KULELAT🏆1.30 mi-151 ft-2.2%
Short Happy Ending0.26 mi-33 ft-2.4%
See u later, alligator🐊0.69 mi-89 ft-2.5%
JAKULERO MAHULI🧴0.87 mi-98 ft-2.1%