Rostakulen West Couloir

Backcountry Skiing Route

2.81 mi
3,589 ft
A Stunning Couloir just West of Tamokdalen

This is one of two gem lines that can be found near the shorelines of Rostavatn and offer a unique profile compared to other lines within the area. This whole face was once eroded away be glaciers leaving a scarred 3,000 foot face with a handful of couloirs broken through the rock band. Being that it is not within the Tamokdalen pass this area usually receives less snow and has a better chance of blue skies. If conditions are good and you aren’t concerned about avalanche conditions this is a great place to go. That being said there is a huge cornice up top and if it broke while climbing you would be in a disastrous situation.

This tour starts next to the Storbekken creek where if you head on a hard lookers left you will find a summer road to follow up higher. After a few hundred feet you will need to cut a hard lookers right to make your way to the base of the line. From here on up you need to be aware that you are in avalanche terrain and be extra cautious while climbing. There is a small ridge to the lookers left of the chute that you can gain for a while before it goes into true couloir form.

Once at the base of the actual couloir tread carefully and try to minimise your time in the gut. Space your group out and while we were climbing we were able to find safe spots on the lookers right. One person would climb while the others waited for them to be in the next safe spot before continuing.

Once next to the top your mouth will drop with a massive cornice just above your head. This is possibly the sketchiest part of an already sketchy line. There is a small break on the lookers right side where with the use of a shovel and some well placed steps you can make your way through.

Standing on top there is a sheltered col where you can collect yourself before dropping in. Ride down cautiously with the use of safe spots behind rocks with the group riding it in sections. Once the terrain opens up you can ride directly down to the road fall line.

Once again this is a great line if all the stars align and the snowpack is relatively stable. If you are questioning stable please stay far away from this tour.

For more photos and information on the route check out this link
Written by Kyle Miller
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation