Lightning Ridge Tour
Backcountry Skiing Route
3.32 mi
789 ft
Skip the cat skiing reservation by skinning to Lightning Ridge on your own power.
Lightning Ridge is the top sidecountry zone at Powder Mountain, known for steep and deep chutes with few tracks. Most people get there via reservation-only snowcat rides, but you can instead go on your own power (though a lift ticket is still required). See the resort’s [uphill policy]( for more information. To get there, simply skin up the cat track from the main lodge area. Stay to the side to allow vehicles to pass, and keep in mind that this uphill access is only allowed when Lightning Ridge is open for cat skiing. On-mountain signage should indicate the status. Follow the well-traveled cat track up to a broad pass with scattered trees. There it turns and goes straight up a ridgeline, where views get really good over the whole resort. Where the cat unloads at the top of Cobabe Peak, Lightning Ridge drops away to the east. The north side is riddled with tight trees and chutes, while the south side is a wide-open bowl. The route mapped here goes more or less straight down the ridge on the line called Big Middle. But you could choose to drop anywhere and on either side of the ridge, as it all eventually funnels out to Paradise lift. Written by Jesse Weber
Lightning Ridge is the top sidecountry zone at Powder Mountain, known for steep and deep chutes with few tracks. Most people get there via reservation-only snowcat rides, but you can instead go on your own power (though a lift ticket is still required). See the resort’s [uphill policy]( for more information. To get there, simply skin up the cat track from the main lodge area. Stay to the side to allow vehicles to pass, and keep in mind that this uphill access is only allowed when Lightning Ridge is open for cat skiing. On-mountain signage should indicate the status. Follow the well-traveled cat track up to a broad pass with scattered trees. There it turns and goes straight up a ridgeline, where views get really good over the whole resort. Where the cat unloads at the top of Cobabe Peak, Lightning Ridge drops away to the east. The north side is riddled with tight trees and chutes, while the south side is a wide-open bowl. The route mapped here goes more or less straight down the ridge on the line called Big Middle. But you could choose to drop anywhere and on either side of the ridge, as it all eventually funnels out to Paradise lift. Written by Jesse Weber