Past Two Weeks
+ 41

Mill Mountain

Mountain Biking Trail

10.1 mi
1,800 ft
Roanoke's favorite in-town singletrack hit.

Mill Mountain is a small mountain rising directly above downtown Roanoke, Virginia. Climbing to a height of almost 1,700 feet above sea level, the views of the city flanked by the Blue Ridge Mountains make Mill Mountain a popular tourist attraction. Adding to the attraction is "the largest freestanding illuminated [man-made] star in the world,” standing 88 feet tall above the mountaintop ([Source](

With 650 acres of protected open space, Mill Mountain is home to about 10 miles of singletrack trails. While a couple of the trails are designated as hiking only, the vast majority are open to mountain biking, providing a superb in-town singletrack hit for locals and visitors alike.

The technical difficulty of most of the trails on Mill Mountain clocks in at “intermediate,” but rocks and roots help keep the East Coast spice alive. While the technical difficulty may be low, the aerobic difficulty can feel significant, even on such a short ride. The trails on Mill Mountain tend to climb and descend quite quickly, and can very well force you to redline right out of the gate!

The route mapped here attempts to make the most of the trail system by climbing and descending the mountain twice. It is possible to loop in a couple of other trails if desired, but most riders will generally pedal just one quick loop up and down the mountain. With this map as your guide, you can easily piece together a route with the perfect length for you.


Written by Greg Heil
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
up full Woodthrush + Virginia Pines2.32 mi217 ft1.5%
Upper Wood Thrush 1.39 mi190 ft2.0%
Watertank To Sidewinder0.98 mi148 ft1.8%
Virginia Pine Loop0.79 mi184 ft0.3%
Virginia Pine0.35 mi-141 ft-7.2%
Virginia Pine Loop, Down0.32 mi-138 ft-7.9%
Up Virginia Pines0.34 mi174 ft9.6%
Garden City Turnpike0.40 mi197 ft9.1%
Mill Mountain Pkwy Climb0.86 mi479 ft10.5%
virginia pine up new side0.32 mi144 ft8.2%
Mill Mountain Pkwy Climb0.54 mi344 ft12.0%
The Ridgeline GRIND0.26 mi226 ft16.4%
Ridgeline Trail Up (Yellow Mtn to Disco Center)1.14 mi325 ft5.4%
The Ridgeline climb0.24 mi200 ft15.7%
Mill mountain new road0.60 mi230 ft7.2%
Sidewalk SPRINT0.19 mi49 ft4.8%
Understory Down0.36 mi-95 ft-4.7%
Double Down0.50 mi-157 ft-6.0%
Monument Trail CCW1.54 mi-430 ft-3.9%
Get Ready0.38 mi102 ft5.0%
Monument DH1.14 mi-423 ft-6.8%
Monument Star to Toll0.68 mi-256 ft-7.1%
disco race old road section0.58 mi217 ft6.1%
Disco old road 0.40 mi180 ft8.5%
Big Sunny to Riser0.47 mi-69 ft-0.9%
Sidewinder down0.59 mi-223 ft-7.1%
Woodthrush DH - Secret Trail to Doubletrack0.62 mi-190 ft-5.7%
Woodthrush from Sidewinder to Gravel1.09 mi-184 ft-2.5%
Lower Woodthrush singletrack dh0.30 mi-115 ft-7.1%
Actual Woodthrush DH Segment0.26 mi-3 ft-0.2%