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Avery Creek -> Headwaters Gravel Loop

Gravel Riding Trail

23.34 mi
2,060 ft
A go-to gravel ride near Brevard and a great intro to Pisgah National Forest.

If you're looking for a gravel ride around Brevard or Pisgah Forest, look no further. A local favorite, this route begins at [The Hub & Pisgah Tavern]( though there are plenty of options for parking along US-276, Avery Creek Road, or even at the Fish Hatchery.

As mapped, this route is one-third pavement and two-thirds gravel. The gravel roads are typically open year-round to vehicles but may close intermittently during the winter due to poor road conditions. The paved roads are open all year and treated during the winter.

As mapped, ride up US-276 to Avery Creek Road and turn right when you see the sign for the Pisgah Horse Stables. Though you could ride the route in either direction, counter-clockwise gets most of the climbing out of the way early. Avery Creek is also loaded with roadside camping opportunities for anyone interested.

Avery Creek Road starts with a gentle climb, but after passing the Horse Stables, it steepens. If you're running a larger chainring or CX gearing, expect to be out of the saddle and that you may need to catch your breath a couple of times. The brunt of the climb is over after you reach the junction with Bennett Gap and Buckwheat Knob. From here, most of the route is downhill. Avery Creek Road comes to an end at US-276 just after passing Club Gap Trail. Keep left to continue the loop.

After a bend in the paved road, look for a gravel road that spurs right. This is Headwaters Road (475B) and the start of a long, steady descent around Looking Glass Rock. At times, you may be able to snag a few views of what many consider to be the centerpiece of Pisgah National Forest. You will also pass three approach trails utilized by rock climbers: North Face, Sunwall, and Slick Rock Falls. If you have the time, Slick Rock Falls is well worth the stop - it's less than a few hundred feet from the trailhead.

Headwaters Road ends at Fish Hatchery Road (475), where you'll keep left. The Fish Hatchery has seasonal water and restrooms available if you need. It's also a great alternative to start this loop since it cuts out a little bit of road at the beginning and end. To round out the loop, keep right on US-276 and follow it back to The Hub.

For an added bonus, consider heading left (up) US-276 to Looking Glass Falls if you've yet to visit. It adds less than a mile to the ride, but the 60' waterfall is worth the detour. Written by Brendon Voelker
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Strava Routes

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
276 to Horse Stables1.74 mi161 ft1.7%
Avery Creek Climb (276 to 276)7.34 mi1,463 ft2.9%
276 to Buckhorn Gap trail2.58 mi404 ft2.9%
Avery Ck>Headwaters Rd14.19 mi1,434 ft0.3%
from 276 to top5.19 mi1,385 ft5.0%
477/475B/475 Loop18.95 mi-1,424 ft-0.0%
477 Bottom to Top5.01 mi1,371 ft5.2%
Bennet gap end to club gap start5.30 mi1,309 ft3.9%
FSR 477 Climb3.00 mi1,138 ft7.2%
Stables to Bennett Trail head2.98 mi1,135 ft7.2%
Avery Creek Rd FS477 Climb 4.0 Miles3.99 mi1,191 ft5.7%
Stables to Club Gap trail head4.88 mi1,243 ft4.1%
National Forest Rd Climb0.73 mi338 ft8.7%
National Forest Rd Climb3.12 mi1,161 ft7.0%
Avery Creek Climb #13.00 mi1,106 ft7.0%
steeeeeeeeeep on 4772.38 mi945 ft7.5%
Avery's Crk. Rd. to Bennet4.42 mi1,014 ft3.6%
Avery Creek Rd Climb3.03 mi1,010 ft6.3%
ne parle pas de cela2.13 mi837 ft7.4%
Buckhorn to Bennet Climb2.13 mi840 ft7.5%
National Forest Road Climb0.71 mi308 ft8.2%
National Forest Road Climb0.51 mi279 ft10.2%
National Forest Rd Climb0.66 mi410 ft11.7%
National Forest Rd, Bennett to Club Gap1.96 mi-223 ft-1.0%
475B Downhill to 477 Connector2.58 mi-518 ft-3.4%
Down Backside of FS 4771.37 mi-338 ft-4.6%
Headwaters road from 276 to 4756.37 mi-906 ft-2.2%
backside of 475b0.75 mi200 ft4.9%
Headwaters S Jumpup0.63 mi233 ft6.9%
Headwaters Down5.64 mi-961 ft-3.2%
475b Justice Cove to Fish Hatchery Rd Downhill ish4.99 mi-814 ft-3.1%
Headwaters Down Last 3 Miles3.30 mi-758 ft-4.3%
FromFishHatchery1.38 mi-128 ft-1.2%
475 to 477 via 2763.07 mi-95 ft-0.6%
276 475 to FRS Cruiser3.58 mi-121 ft-0.6%