
Backcountry Skiing Route

0.13 mi
0 ft
A Steep chute/slope area on lower Silverado

Billy's is a line that is skier's left off lower Trail 90. Follow the directions to Trail 90 and Jake's. You need to be a solid black skier who can handle steeps and negotiate around rocks, etc., to have fun on this trail. It's best to go with someone who knows the area well for your first few times. Pay attention to the rock and cliff warning signs and to any directional arrows. At the steep pitch after the first section of rolling flatter terrain on Trail 90 look for a gate. It will be the first gate in the ski area boundary on your left as you come down Trail 90. There is a ridge line that you will pass above as you traverse left. Drop into Jake's and follow this large chute/gully down to Billy's (which will be on your left.) Be careful at the bottom as the creek may or may not be filled in. Stay left at the creek and bear right when you cross the creek to hook up with Oregon Trail or Land Bridge to reach the bottom of Silverado. Silverado chair is a long, slow, triple chair and doesn't open until there is a fair amount of snow because of the very rocky terrain that needs to get covered with snow to make it passable. Billy's is narrowest at the top and is not open as often as Trail 90. Written by FATMAP Official
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Strava Routes

Route and Elevation