Past Month
+ 8

Pischa - Hüreli - Laret

Backcountry Skiing Route

3.69 mi
239 ft
Backcountry route for experienced riders

From the top of Pischa we are gonna go to hike the SE ridge of Hüerli (2444m). It is a flat hike following the ridge covered aproximately between 20 or 40 minutes depending on the equipment used. Once at the peak, you can see a left ridge which leads the mountain to the left, we need to follow this shape till the cornern and watch out to do not ride down to much to your right. Once at the end the ridge keeps going till the end of the valley meanwhile there is a big deep creek on your lower right. Notice that from here Laret should be visible and thats our final destination.. We are gonna ride down toward laret direction on the north face. Droping before is possible but steepness plays and important role in the terrain. It is rideable but act in choerence with your riding level and specially snow conditions. Following the line, there is a rocky area on your left and easy rideable on the right side. At this point the forest starts with scatered trees and rock around. There is a corridor in the forest on the lower left that is our final section to finally end up in Laret to jump on the bus and go for another adventure. Written by FATMAP Official
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Strava Routes

Route and Elevation