+ 37

Kosciuszko Eastern Face

Backcountry Skiing Route

0.65 mi
0 ft
The mellow eastern face of Kosciuszko

One of the earliest runs to open within a year, this run drops a couple of hundred metres to the south of the summit, before heading down the eastern face. In deep winter, completely avoid this run as massive cornices form above the area, and the can and do break off. This area is however skiable with the first winter's snow, with 20 cm or so allowing a fairly decent ski. The face itself is wide and, when not corniced, fairly hazard free besides a few rocks in early season. The return is simple and by spring the cornices will have collapsed, so heading straight back up the run itself to the summit is no issue whatsoever. Make sure to scout this area well before you drop in, but otherwise it can get you up and skiing in no time. Written by Omar Elkadi
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation