+ 3

Pic du midi line

Backcountry Skiing Route

1.82 mi
255 ft
Long access line Est line, with difficult access including steepness.

From red slope "linga", we will continue the "Leche's expedition line", where entrance and exit will be really steep. After the second peak reached we will cross all around until the "Pointe du midi" peak, traverse will be quiet flat and best way is to stay on the arete of the line. Our line will give us a view on the "Géant" ski lift, we will go down the gully 250 meters on the right of the lift, a big gully will be here for us with a steep entrance between trees go straight down the trees, avalanche risks will be present making the entrance dangerous. Line will finish 50 meters upper than the road where a walking path will bring back to green slope "Géant", a good 1 hour to 2 hours will be needed for this long line. Remeber this is an Est face where a lot of sun can make the snow unstable. Written by Kevin Blanc
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation