Sjufjellet West Chutes in Tamokdalen

Backcountry Skiing Route

10.84 mi
8,174 ft
Setting up a route to make the most out of the West facing chutes

I’m a bit hesitant of writing about this route as it really should only be done in stable conditions. While this is a great tour to make the most out of the West facing chutes you are playing a delicate game with big avalanche terrain. That being said in my opinion this is the fastest route if you want to do multiple laps on either the South face or the west chutes.

This route starts just like your standard climb of Sjufjellet be parking on the side of the road. Once you start climbing instead of heading directly north do a low angle traverse to Southern Ridge. Make sure to stay low and well away from the headwall before reaching the ridge and from there you can semi safely start climbing. Before long you will reach a bench on the upper mountain which is just above a convex slope. Make your way off to the lookers right until there is a small spot between the upper rocks to climb through.

You are standing at the crux of the trip and I highly recommend digging a pit before continuing as you will have to bootpack to get to the upper slopes just below the summit. Once over the rock band just keep heading up with a slow movement towards the lookers right before getting on a semi mellow ridge that goes all the way to the summit.

From here you have numerous options but on this day we were aiming for the west chutes. Just make your way along the ridge before spotting a massive snow filled gully but proceed with caution. This lines do have cornices that build up so make sure you don’t get over to the edge. Dig out the cornice or find a spot that doesn’t have one and make sure to do a big ski cut before dropping in.

Once riding down make your way all the way into the valley before skinning back up to the ridge you put your original skin track in. Now it is up to you wether you’d like to go again. With the snow being as good as it was we decided to go for 2 more laps.

Once again I must stress that this is a horrible route for beginners or if you are concerned about avalanche conditions. Heading up during a high avalanche day could be a fatal mistake.

For more photos and information on the route check out this link
Written by Kyle Miller
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation