Kent's -> Phil's Short Loop

Trail Running Route

5.48 mi
368 ft
Run a classic loop in the Phil's Trail Network.

Kent’s to Phil’s is an iconic loop that anchors the famous Phil’s Trail Network.

To begin this mellow run, head up the Kent’s trail from the primary Phil’s Trailhead. Kent’s is an easy climbing trail that is still technically open for downhill traffic. With such mellow grades as you ascend the mesa, the miles and vertical feet tick by much faster than you may realize.

After a few miles of climbing, keep an eye out for the left turn onto KGB to connect to Phil’s.

Phil’s is a smooth, sandy singletrack trail that twists and turns down the mesa beneath towering ponderosa trees. The sandy track is occasionally punctuated by rocks, but the running is easy, allowing you to look around and enjoy the forest.

The only significant challenge on this trail is watching out for mountain bikers. The Phil’s Trail Network is ultra-popular with the two wheel crowd, and the classic Phil’s trail has been designated a one-way downhill-only trail. But if you go on a weekday, especially early in the morning or late in the evening, traffic can still be quite light, allowing you to enjoy these delightful trails even without an expensive mechanical contraption. Written by Greg Heil
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Kent's Trail (Phil's Trailhead to Flaming Chicken)3.42 mi364 ft1.3%
Big Burn Rd Climb0.43 mi154 ft6.6%
KGB Downhill0.84 mi-194 ft-4.3%
Phil's Trail (Flaming Chicken to Phil's Trailhead)1.94 mi-187 ft-1.8%
Phil's Trail last mile to trailhead1.01 mi-46 ft-0.6%