Kill Me Thrill Me

Trail Running Route

6.87 mi
1,337 ft
One of Whistler's most iconic trails.

Kill Me Thrill Me is a true classic Whistler trail, and over the years its appeal has faded little.

Kill Me Thrill Me is an up-and-down singletrack trail interspersed with big rock slabs. The trail roughly contours along the hillside above the highway, dipping in and out of deep valleys with rushing mountain streams. As you drop into the stream valleys, you can feel the air getting cooler as you leave the direct sunlight behind and enter the dark, forgotten mountainside hideaways.

Along the way, entertaining bridges provide picturesque stream crossings, and excellent bench cut singletrack makes for a delightfully flowy trail. At times, the trail does point straight up the mountainside, but inevitably these steep climbs are followed with sweet descents.

This trail run is best done as either a point-to-point shuttle coordinated along the nearby highway, or as an out-and-back run. You can theoretically run out-and-back from either end of the route. The direction mapped here begins at the low point and climbs up a steep cascade of rock slabs beneath the power lines to begin before ducking deeper into the trees. If you start at the other end, you will access the more picturesque sections of deep forest earlier on… but it might be best to turn around before descending the slabs below the powerline.

However you choose to do it, Kill Me Thrill Me provides an easily-accessible escape to the forest! Written by Greg Heil
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation