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Rundumadum: Stages 4 and 5

Hiking Trail

5.49 mi
695 ft
Stage 4 explores more hills in the Wienerwald, one with a lookout tower and another with an equestrian center, then Stage 5 goes through two very green recreation areas at the edge of the city.

From Marswiese, the path goes into the woods and comes soon to the Hanslteich, which is a small lake overlooked by a gourmet restaurant. From there, it continues gradually uphill and reaches the Schottenhof equestrian center, where there is also a restaurant. Heading a bit more steeply upward, the trail next reaches a hilltop meadow. which is a crossroads for many hiking and biking paths. Here, the Rundumadum briefly joins Stadtwanderweg 4 to reach the Jubiläumswarte. If it is open, you can climb its spiral stairs to a 360-degree panorama over the Wienerwald and toward the Hausberge. From there, the path descends gradually to the edge of town at Steinhof Fire Station. This is the end of Stage 4 and the beginning of Stage 5. The next portion is through Steinhofgründe, a landscaped recreation area with broad, grassy lawns and groves of trees. Dogs are not allowed here, so if hiking with your pet you must detour on Heschweg to the next portion, which is Dehnepark. Dehnepark is an adjacent recreation area that’s hillier and more densely forested than Steinhof. Here the trail descends somewhat steeply into a shady valley with a small creek, also passing the historic “ruined villa” and an attractive little pond. After briefly rejoining city streets, Stage 5 ends at Hütteldorf train station. Sources: Written by Jesse Weber
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