Past Month
+ 12

Acer Summit via Mormon Trail

Hiking Trail

2.41 mi
754 ft
A steep climb leads to a spectacular overlook of the Phoenix metro area.

Acer Summit rises to an elevation of 2,012 feet above sea level, and even though it isn't even the highest point in South Mountain Park, this summit provides spectacular views over the Phoenix Metro Area and the Salt River Valley.

Acer Summit is a popular hike because it is easily reached via a direct climb up the Mormon Trail. This stiff climb gains almost 750 vertical feet in about 1.2 miles, making for a short, steep climb and a respectable workout that many hikers and trail runners can fit in after work.

South Mountain is renowned for its rugged trails: expect a rough, rocky, steep ascent to the summit. Written by Greg Heil
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Mormon Lot up0.76 mi427 ft10.5%
Mormon Trail climb to saddle0.98 mi604 ft11.7%