Lyskamm Orientale, Cresta Mangiauomini
Hiking Trail
1.16 mi
1,102 ft
Skiing an aesthetic ridge
This line follows the normal route to reach Lyskamm Orientale. From Indren follow the trace to Colle del Lys and then point to the massive ridge that runs to the top of Lyskamm. The ridge itself is very aesthetic but quite dangerous due to the high winds that often creates unstable cornices that can collapse while walking nearby. Ski down from the same line you climbed. Written by FATMAP Official
This line follows the normal route to reach Lyskamm Orientale. From Indren follow the trace to Colle del Lys and then point to the massive ridge that runs to the top of Lyskamm. The ridge itself is very aesthetic but quite dangerous due to the high winds that often creates unstable cornices that can collapse while walking nearby. Ski down from the same line you climbed. Written by FATMAP Official