Eugster diagonal

Backcountry Skiing Route

0.79 mi
32 ft
Some of the steepest and most serious terrain accessible from a lift anywhere in the world; an undertaking reserved for only the very best skiers.

VERY EXTREME skiing. Danger of death; be sure of conditions before you set off. A fall at any time in the route would almost certainly be fatal. Descend the narrow face below you sticking to the side of the rocky outcrop before going going slightly left as the angle backs off. Another small pitch leads you into steepening terrain at which point traversing hard right will bring you into a rock garden and eventually a steep narrow gully leading you to the small col. Take a left here and ski the couloir until it cliffs out below you. Build a rappel anchor on the rock wall on skiers right of the couloir and make a full 60 meter rappel. From here ski diagonally left into another small couloir and a short rappel at the end of this section. Now in the main gully, ski the fall line negotiating a few small rock steps until the Cosmique couloir return track is reached. Relax, breathe and head right and back to the lift station. Written by Charlie Boscoe
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation