Backcountry Skiing Route
1.4 mi
141 ft
Westside facing ascent often with magic snow.
Most people don´t use skins/snowshoes for ascending, but it´s preferable. Follow the mountainside and walk up to Flygarskalet (Beneth the Tele2 mast)
Choose your own way down. You will end up at the clear-cutting. From there it might be a 10 minute double-poling depending if the snow is deep and you are first. It´s a hard walk for snowboarders without splitboard or snowshoes.
Most people don´t use skins/snowshoes for ascending, but it´s preferable. Follow the mountainside and walk up to Flygarskalet (Beneth the Tele2 mast)
Choose your own way down. You will end up at the clear-cutting. From there it might be a 10 minute double-poling depending if the snow is deep and you are first. It´s a hard walk for snowboarders without splitboard or snowshoes.