Low Tide Direct
Backcountry Skiing Route
0.01 mi
0 ft
A much more tight entrance into Low Tide Bowl.
To get here ski the up most entrance of Low Tide. Then traverse in and make it to the end where the standard high entrance to Low Tide starts, than traverse backwards a bit before seeing a tight entrance between trees, this is the entrance to Low Tide Direct. From here do some tight turns down the very short, steep and gladed area, till you get to the slightly lower high entrance to Low Tide, from here your best option is to straightline down. It can be pretty difficult to lose speed since Low Tide can be pretty steep so be prepared.
To get here ski the up most entrance of Low Tide. Then traverse in and make it to the end where the standard high entrance to Low Tide starts, than traverse backwards a bit before seeing a tight entrance between trees, this is the entrance to Low Tide Direct. From here do some tight turns down the very short, steep and gladed area, till you get to the slightly lower high entrance to Low Tide, from here your best option is to straightline down. It can be pretty difficult to lose speed since Low Tide can be pretty steep so be prepared.