The Best Backcountry Skiing Routes in Vallnord
Explore Backcountry Skiing RoutesVallnord consists of three ski areas which are Pal, Arinsal and Ordino-Arcalis with the latter being the most famous freeride hotspot in Andorra.
Top 38 backcountry skiing routes in Vallnord
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L'Abarsetar II line
This is an easy access line by the left of the "L'Abarsetar II" chairlift. The line is not steep and can feel like a piste but there are some trees in this one....

La Coma's chairlift line
This is an easily accessed line. Turn right on top of the "La Basera" chairlift. Follow the red piste "La Balma" and turn right 10 meters after passing under the chairlift....

Portelle's shortcut line
This is an easily accessed line as "La Coma", "Les Portelles" and "La Basera" chairlifts bring you to the beginning of the line. Turn right instead of following green slope "Megaverda"....

La Canaleta's alongside line
This is an easy access line; just continue straight after "Creussans" chairlift. The line is not steep and can feel like a piste but there are some rocks about if there is low snow cover....

La Balma straight chairlift line
This is an easily accessed line; turn left from the red slope just after it passes under "La Balma" chairlift for the second time. The line is not steep except for the entrance and can feel like a piste as soon as the entrance is passed, although a few rocks are present at the bottom of the line....

La Coma junction line
This is an easily accessed line on the "La Coma" ski area'just turn right 25 meters before the junction with red slope "El Mur". The line is not steep and can feel like a piste in the entrance part but the middle section is a little steeper....

La Solana's shortcut line
This is an easily accessed line as "Port Negre" and "El Coll" lifts are the start of the line. The line is not steep and between 2 slopes and can feel like a piste but there are some rocks about if there is low snow cover....

L'hortell N face.
A long walk is needed from the lift "L'Abarsetar". Turn right and hike for about 30 minutes to the top of the "Pic de l'hortell", then a long hike of 30 minutes is needed to reach the large gully empty of rocks....

Els Feixan's line
This is an easily accessed line as "Els Feixan'" top lift is the start of the line. The line is starts in front of the lift and into the first section can feel like a piste but there are some rocks in the lowest section if there is low snow cover....

La Canaleta's line
This is an easily accessed line as you just need to follow green slope "La Basera" and turn left 50 meters after entering into the track area of the slope. The line is pretty short but gets some steepness in the first section, where snow cover is an important part of the line, as we are below 2000 meters....

La Canaleta's lower section line
This is an easily accessed line from the green slope "La Basera"; turn left into the second gully more or less 75 meters after the entrance of a track into the same slope....

Els Feixan's junction line
This is an easily accessed line as the "Els Feixan" lift is the start of the line. Turn left and follow the gully below you. The line is not steep other than a little part in the middle section and the last turn of the line before getting back to the slope....

La Balma's cliff line
This is again another easily accessed line; turn left 20 meters before the red slope passes under the "La Coma" chairlift. The line is not steep and can feel like a piste until the middle cliff section where the main rock (optional) need some technical skills, it can be taken as cliff into the side part or the middle section, but bear in mind cliff taken into the front cliff is big....
Els Feixans gully line
On top of the "La Basera" chairlift turn right and follow "Les portelle's steep line" almost until the end of the traverse. This one takes about 20 minutes and good skiing skills are important due the fact this is on a ridge....

Les Portelle's front chairlift line
A lot of chairlifts go to this line located in the Les Portelles area. Instead of going to the green slope "Megaverda" turn left and hike the face in front of you....

Pic de Cabagnou line
1 hour is needed from the top of "Creussans" chairlift. Firstly climb the Pic de Cabagnou via the ridge and then ski down until the flat part. The line is steep but not extreme with a maximum gradient of 45 degrees....

Pic de la Capa's line
This is an easily accessed line. From "La Capa" lift take a left and hike until the top of "Pic de la Capa's" summit, which takes about 10-15 minutes to the top....

Capa's expedition line
From "La Capa" lift turn left and hike to the top of the "Pic de la Capa", which takes about 10-15 minutes. This time follow the middle of the face where the entrance is around 45 degrees and the steepest part of the face....

Capa's road finishes line
This is an easily accessed line. Turn left from "La Capa" lift and hike for 10 - 15 minutes to the top of the "Pic de la Capa". The line is pretty steep at the entrance....

Capa's north face
An easy line with a little walk needed to the top of the "Pic de la Capa". Turn left on top of "La Capa" lift. The line on the left side of the peak is not too steep around 40 degrees and finishes on a piste....
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