The Best Backcountry Skiing Routes in Glacier National Park (Canada)
Explore Backcountry Skiing RoutesTop 3 backcountry skiing routes in Glacier National Park (Canada)
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Charlie Boscoe's Bugs to Rogers Route
There are longer ski traverses in North America, but Bugs to Rogers is the most famous grand traverse on the continent, and is a landmark achievement in the career of any ski mountaineer....
Forever Young Couloir
The Forever Young Couloir is one of the very best classic lines of Roger’s Pass. A very appealing line, it provides a truly awesome ski descent that is engaging but not extreme....
Mount Cheops North Face
Roger’s pass is one of North America’s premier ski touring destinations. At 1,330 meters elevation, Roger’s Pass is the most spectacular section of the Trans Canada Highway cutting through the heart of BC....
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