Castlebellingham Sprint

Ride Segment The Municipal District of Ardee, Ireland
  • Distance0.56km
  • Elevation Gain0m
  • Avg Grade-1.1%
  • Lowest Elev20m
  • Highest Elev28m
  • Elev Difference8m
  • 31,934 Attempts By 2,996 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Declan Mac Mahon 30s
2 Val Gargan 35s
3 David McMahon 36s
3 Richie M 36s
3 Michael S 36s
6 Ray F 37s
6 Ray F 37s
6 Jude B 37s
6 Alan S 37s
10 Anthony C 38s
10 Alan K 38s
10 Patrick G 38s
10 Caoimhín O'Donnghaile 38s
10 Reggie Malone 38s
10 Paul M 38s
10 Colm O 38s
10 Colin Coldrick 38s

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