Pont de Couzon-Pont de Fontaine Coté Fontaine

Ride Segment Saint Romain Au Mont D'Or, RA, France
  • Distance1.88km
  • Elevation Gain5m
  • Avg Grade0.0%
  • Lowest Elev184m
  • Highest Elev187m
  • Elev Difference4m
  • 48,542 Attempts By 4,520 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Alexandre Auber 2:18
2 Virgile Moriset 2:20
3 Jules BOUCHARD 2:22
4 Yann Bachelot 2:23
5 Piroux S 2:28
5 Erwin D 2:28
7 Cyril L 2:29
7 Antony Chamerat L 2:29
7 Dorian Godon 2:29
10 Sylvain G 2:31
10 ✨ Antho PETIT 🇫🇷 2:31
10 Patrice Cabel 2:31

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