+ 97

Saratoga XC


26,6 mi
3.923 ft
Starting in downtown Saratoga, this route, which mixes pavement and dirt, is best tackled on a cross bike. Climbing from the Steven's Canyon Trail to the Indian Creek Trail is quite challenging and riders should be prepared for some steep gradients, particularly on Indian Creek. From there, it's a beautiful and fun descent down Montebello Road, where riders will enjoy expansive views of hills and vineyards. This route then leads you through Stevens Creek County Park before heading back downtown.

* Big Basin Cafe
Gemaakt door
Strava Routes

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
Highway 9 to Redwood Gulch3,78 mi1.027 ft5,0%
Hwy 9 Climb - Saratoga to Pierce Rd1,28 mi223 ft3,2%
Hwy 9 Climb - Saratoga Bridge to Redwood Gulch3,61 mi932 ft4,9%
Hwy 9 Climb - Pierce to Redwood Gulch2,44 mi709 ft5,3%
Hwy9 - From Pierce Rd to Redwood Gulch Rd2,38 mi909 ft6,7%
Hwy 9 Climb - 1st step - Bridge to Booker Creek1,61 mi459 ft5,4%
Hwy 9 Climb - Bridge to Redwood Gulch2,26 mi745 ft6,2%
Hwy 9 - Sanborn to Redwood Gulch1,73 mi581 ft6,3%
Hwy9 Interval1,35 mi466 ft6,5%
Redwood Gulch Descent1,18 mi-646 ft-10,3%
Redwood Gulch to Belle Vista 6,60 mi1.913 ft5,2%
Upper Stevens Canyon, Redwood Gulch to Gate1,87 mi269 ft2,6%
Steven Canyon from Redwood to bottom of Table Mountain trail3,01 mi449 ft2,6%
Stevens Canyon Rd1,70 mi-2.133 ft-0,0%
Stevens Canyon/Canyon Trail to Grizzly1,76 mi364 ft3,9%
Canyon Gate to Black Mountain Summit4,95 mi1.736 ft6,6%
Canyon Trail Climb1,75 mi56 ft0,5%
Canyon Trail Indian Creek Full Climb4,13 mi1.414 ft6,3%
Canyon trail to Indian Creek2,39 mi699 ft5,5%
Caynon Trail (upper)1,59 mi551 ft6,6%
Canyon Trail, Grizzly Flat to Indian Creek2,02 mi512 ft4,7%
Indian Creek Trail1,24 mi840 ft12,8%
Indian Creek to top of Black Mtn1,43 mi863 ft11,4%
Indian Trail to Montebello Rd1,19 mi807 ft12,8%
Canyon to Campground (Indian Creek FR)1,02 mi745 ft13,8%
Indian Creek Trail1,00 mi696 ft13,2%
Black Mountain Climb1,28 mi820 ft12,1%
Top of Indian Creek - Summit Push0,40 mi121 ft5,7%
Montebello Descent - Dirt + Road6,88 mi-2.241 ft-6,1%
Montebello Rd 40+ on dirt0,19 mi-98 ft-9,5%
Montebello Descent5,29 mi-1.991 ft-7,1%
Montebello safety 5,17 mi-1.995 ft-7,3%
Montebello descent5,09 mi-1.946 ft-7,2%
montebelloooo desc5,14 mi-1.975 ft-7,3%
Montebello descent from school2,01 mi-955 ft-9,0%
Mt. Eden: Yes, It's a Climb1,02 mi272 ft5,0%
Mt Eden to archery sign0,54 mi180 ft6,3%
Mt Eden - Stop sign to fence0,72 mi246 ft6,4%
Mt. Eden Road0,73 mi256 ft6,7%
AAD - Mt. Eden Climb (North Side)0,69 mi243 ft6,6%
Mt Eden without running the stop sign0,73 mi249 ft6,4%
Stop Sign to Garrod's Five Barrels 1,27 mi249 ft3,3%
Mt. Eden Up and Down - Stop sign to Stop sign2,24 mi-276 ft-0,1%
Mt Eden0,65 mi259 ft7,5%
Mt Eden Descent to Pierce1,51 mi-279 ft-3,4%
Mt. Eden Descent to Pierce (steep part)0,66 mi-226 ft-6,5%
Mt. Eden (steep side) descent to Pierce0,78 mi-190 ft-4,2%
Pierce Rd Descent - Eden to Comer1,39 mi-161 ft-2,2%
Pierce: Mt. Eden to Saratoga-Sunnyvale1,75 mi-200 ft-2,0%
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Pierce to Saratoga1,55 mi105 ft1,1%