+ 194

UCI Anti Cancer Challenge 100 Mile UCI Campus


97,83 mi
6.730 ft
UCI Anti Cancer Challenge Bike Tour
Gemaakt door
Jonathan Pauley

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
Backside NPCoast from Turtle Ridge1,33 mi338 ft4,6%
Newport Coast: Toll booth to Before signal0,76 mi177 ft4,4%
Los Trancos - Crystal Heights0,62 mi56 ft0,1%
Just a few hills past NPC3,12 mi108 ft0,0%
Shake Shack to Crystal Heights 0,30 mi59 ft3,6%
Thief's Escape1,73 mi112 ft0,2%
Crystal Climb0,32 mi92 ft5,5%
Irvine Cove - Smithcliffs0,72 mi-69 ft-0,0%
Laguna Canyon to El Toro2,90 mi187 ft1,2%
Laguna 133 to Irvine6,52 mi328 ft0,6%
133 Northbound3,23 mi108 ft0,0%
PID Highland Up0,79 mi394 ft9,4%
PID Super D1,43 mi-643 ft-8,5%
SMP Climb1,03 mi180 ft3,3%
Oso Ck to Coyote Cyn Tr.7,10 mi433 ft0,2%
Flor De Jardin Climb1,45 mi285 ft3,7%
Live Oak Switchbacks - DOWNHILL1,75 mi-285 ft-3,0%
Live Oak Canyon Road 2,23 mi502 ft4,3%
Bottom of Live oak to the top of cooks4,59 mi512 ft2,0%
Wall0,27 mi125 ft7,9%
Live Oak Ride to Cooks!0,85 mi-318 ft-7,1%
Cook's Corner to Irvine Lake 8,81 mi-581 ft-0,5%
Cooks to Ridgeline0,63 mi135 ft4,0%
Cooks to Top of Santiago Cyn.1,82 mi305 ft3,2%
north ridgeline to modjeska0,57 mi157 ft5,2%
Giddy up!0,19 mi66 ft6,5%
Top of Cooks climb to Jamboree10,23 mi-745 ft-1,4%
Santiago TT (Modjeska to Irvine Lake)5,37 mi-361 ft-1,3%
Modjeska to Silverado2,59 mi-177 ft-1,3%
Silverado to Dump Hill4,40 mi-213 ft-0,1%
Dump Hill0,97 mi200 ft3,7%
Dump Hill Sprint0,34 mi72 ft3,8%
Dump Hill sprint0,19 mi49 ft4,9%
Como final sprint on Santiago0,26 mi-7 ft-0,4%
Jam up into Orange1,62 mi-69 ft-0,8%
Jamboree - Chapman to Portola 3,45 mi-456 ft-2,1%
Canyon View to top of Jamboree0,42 mi118 ft4,7%
Jamboree DH Jam2,22 mi-344 ft-2,9%
All Downhill Jamboree to Portola1,99 mi-328 ft-3,1%
Firefighter Sprint1,12 mi-184 ft-3,1%
Jamboree Via Portola to Bike Path0,35 mi7 ft0,3%
Portola to Bryan down1,72 mi-144 ft-1,4%
Hicks to the left hander2,26 mi-82 ft-0,6%
Irvine to Campus7,08 mi-112 ft-0,3%
El Camino Real to Como Channel1,21 mi-46 ft-0,5%
Train Racing - Como Channel0,16 mi0 ft0,0%
Bad News Travels Fast4,23 mi-36 ft-0,2%
BALLS OUT 2,45 mi-30 ft-0,2%
UCI to top of Back Bay1,75 mi39 ft0,4%
Jam to Vista0,27 mi23 ft1,7%