+ 57

Sunday LGBRC Redwood Gulch

Cycling Route

26.98 mi
2,116 ft
Created By
Mark Thompson

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Winchester Sprint Blossom Hill to Daves0.29 mi7 ft0.4%
Winchester - Shelburne to Daves Ave0.11 mi3 ft0.5%
Dave's Uphill0.81 mi66 ft1.5%
WLFPK- Daves to Laurel Puncheur0.52 mi85 ft1.7%
Laurel Drive0.26 mi75 ft5.0%
Sobey - Quito to Chester0.87 mi-131 ft-2.1%
Sobey and Chester: Quito to Allendale2.16 mi-161 ft-1.2%
Chester Chaser1.33 mi-121 ft-0.4%
Johnny's "Sneak Attack" Rollers0.40 mi72 ft3.3%
Chester 2 Allendale0.81 mi-118 ft-2.4%
WGMR Chester Sprint0.17 mi-13 ft-1.5%
Straight-Safe-Sprint0.11 mi10 ft0.7%
Allendale - Chester to Fruitdale0.79 mi69 ft1.5%
Via Roncole - Northbound0.69 mi-39 ft-1.1%
Rainbow Dr - Stelling to Bubb0.48 mi49 ft1.9%
McClellan: in and out0.29 mi-33 ft-0.3%
McClellan hairpin from ranch to straight0.24 mi59 ft4.3%
McClellan Hill Sprint0.09 mi26 ft5.2%
McClellan rd (hairpin climb to Foothill)0.30 mi62 ft3.9%
McClellan Climb (Only The Steep Part)0.07 mi36 ft9.4%
Steven's Canyon Hill Sprint0.13 mi39 ft5.5%
McClellan to top of RWG6.04 mi978 ft3.1%
Some Kinda Hill0.06 mi36 ft10.0%
Stevens Canyon - McClellan to Montebello1.60 mi131 ft1.4%
Stevens Canyon to Mt Eden Rd Stop Sign2.85 mi128 ft0.7%
stevens creek res - mt eden stop sign1.84 mi52 ft0.3%
Watch for close overtakes by bad drivers0.18 mi20 ft2.1%
Use it or Lose It! Push!0.30 mi-43 ft-0.0%
Stevens Canyon Rd (Cal-Fire to Mt. Eden)0.65 mi43 ft0.1%
RWG uphill start-end3.25 mi945 ft5.3%
Stevens Canyon-Base RWG1.56 mi207 ft2.4%
Lower Redwood Gulch Rd1.03 mi-2,536 ft-0.0%
Redwood Gulch Climb (no DH at end) 1.19 mi682 ft10.8%
Redwood Gulch: the wall0.43 mi259 ft11.2%
Easiest part of RWG0.28 mi125 ft8.4%
Redwood Gulch1.29 mi702 ft10.3%
RWG: When Wall 1 hits you0.18 mi151 ft15.9%
Try not to fall off backwards0.71 mi410 ft10.6%
RWG: Second Half0.70 mi381 ft10.2%
Hwy 9 Descent - Redwood Gulch Down to the Bridge2.24 mi-705 ft-5.9%
Hwy 9 Descent - Redwood Gulch to Saratoga3.69 mi-981 ft-5.0%
Hwy 9 Descent - Redwood Gulch to Sanborn1.46 mi-545 ft-7.0%
Hwy 9 Descent - Speed Trap0.25 mi-85 ft-6.5%
Hwy 9 Descent - Pierce to Saratoga1.15 mi-190 ft-3.1%
9 Vickery to Fruitvale0.99 mi69 ft1.3%
Highway 9 - Montalvo to Mendlsohn0.45 mi36 ft1.5%
Hwy 9 - Fruitvale to Quito1.03 mi-125 ft-2.0%
Saratoga Los Gatos - Fruitvale to Austin Way0.37 mi-43 ft-2.1%
Saratoga-Los Gatos Rd: Fruitvale Ave to N Santa Cruz Ave2.15 mi-184 ft-1.6%
The LG Sprint0.42 mi-75 ft-3.3%