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The City of London 8 Km - Combined Self-Guided Photorun Tours

Running Route

8.39 km
57 m
This provides an overview of all the published London Photoruns and self-guided tours by area. The 'Route at a Glance Video' quickly gives a quick overview of the route and the sights and then shows you what the route would look like if you were running it at about 25 mph. A Visual Self-guided Tour Blog follows this for each of the City of London areas and a brief history of the City of London.
Created By
Philip Carey

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
ARMPIT ROT0.31 km-2 m-0.2%
Tower Bridge0.33 km-7 m-0.5%
Three Quays Hill Dash0.20 km6 m2.8%
Dodge This0.18 km-2 m-0.1%
London Bridge North climb0.54 km26 m2.8%
Seething Ln Climb0.39 km8 m0.9%
Turn the Corner at St Paul’s to the Bridge0.35 km-4 m-0.3%
Millennium Bridge0.31 km-6 m-1.6%
Millennium Bridge to Turn0.26 km13 m4.8%
Shard Sprint 0.15 km3 m2.0%