Team Vitality Club Virtual Zwift Thursday Meetup

18:00 Giovedì
Luogo di ritrovo Virtual
Casuale (di gruppo) / Quasi del tutto pianeggiante

Good day Team Vitality cyclists, let's light up the end of 2021 on the Neon Flats! It is one of the flattest Neokyo routes around. (Oddly enough, it’s not the flattest – that award goes to Sleepless City.) This is a great route if you’re looking for something flat and fast, with sprint segments to contest. 

KEEP TOGETHER ON - Everyone stays together in the virtual no-drop ride regardless of the power output. You'll be able to draft and move around in the group without fear of being dropped unless you stop pedaling.

How to Join:
Make sure you have both the eZwift and the Zwift Companion apps.
Follow Nic White (INC) Team Vitality on the Zwift Companion app so the Nic can invite you to the MeetUp.
Join the Team Vitality Zwift Whatsapp group via this link if you have any Zwift ride related questions:

Team Vitality Cycling Club verificato
South Africa