East Buttes Wednesday Night Ride

18:00 Mittwoch
Treffpunkt Gates Park, SE 136th and Holgate
Wettkampftempo / Bergig

East Buttes moves to Wednesday nights.

This is a fast ride with a small and focused group.

PACE: will be averaged ↑ based on the majority group speed. So, it's likely it will be a drop ride if too far off the main group. Everyone is welcome regardless! That said, you should know your own way home if necessary and bring a friend if unsure about keeping up. There's no longer enough daylight to be as inclusive as we'd like to be.

Route this week: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28788202

This route goes through powell butte and up the happy valley approach to Scott. It’s going to be rather pitch black by Scott, so bar light and head light required.

Portland, Oregon