Hachie 50

05:00 Sabato
Principiante / Strada

If you're interested in an AWESOME race, you should check out the Hachie 50! It offers a full marathon, a 50K, a 50 miler and a 50-miler relay (5x10 mile loops).
A few details:
- May 5, 2018
- Waxahachie, TX
- Custom, dry-fit t-shirts
- Camp out available (if you want) at the park next to the start line
- Free runner photos
- Unique medals for each participant
- Great music
- Free post-race food & beer
Further details and registration are here: https://www.hachie50.com and follow us at https://www.facebook.com/WRCHachie50Run

Oh, and it's put on by an awesome team of wonderful people who are runners also to benefit the local Waxahachie Lions Club and children of Ellis County!

#ultramarathon #50k #marathon #runningrelay #running #runner #WRCstrong