Rest What You Run - 100 Days of Summer, Week 4

07:00 Mittwoch
Anfänger / Straße

This week's workout for 100 Days of Summer comes from our Head of Product Brian Moore, who also is a former collegiate sprinter and two-time Cape Ann League Coach of the Year. He currently is the Head Coach for Eliot TC Masters Club and Beverly High School.

How To Do It:
Easy warm up of 15-20 minutes
1-2 sets of:
Hard 2 minutes/2 minute recovery
Hard 1:45, 1:45 recovery
Hard 90 sec, 90 sec recovery
Hard 75 sec, 75 sec recovery
Hard 60 sec, 60 sec recovery
Hard 45 sec, 45 sec recovery
Hard 30 sec, 30 sec recovery
Hard 15 sec, 15 sec recovery
Pace and the effort depends on what you are training for.
If a 10k, start at 5k pace; if a 5k, start at 1500m pace; etc.
15-20 minute cool down

A note from Brian:
This workout starts off fairly straightforward but gets a lot more challenging as the recovery gets shorter, and particularly if doing two sets - that 15 second gap before the second two minute pick up is a tough turnaround.

It’s also a really good workout to work on form, as the shorter recoveries can make things sloppy, but the decreasing distances make it a little easier to hold good mechanics. Doing one set hard can be a challenging speed workout - doing two sets can be a good way to work on pace when fatigued.

Tracksmith Verifizierter Club
Boston, Massachusetts