Planet Isadore Pop Up Prague w/ REPETE - Tempo Vision S08E01

5:30 PM Wednesday
Meet Up Spot Moravská 1546/27
, Prague, Czechia
Race Pace / Rolling Hills

Planet Isadore Pop Up Prague continues with the next Repete Tempo Vision ride! Let yourself be taken at a pace that will move you and push your limits.

We invite you to tempo rides, which will consist of workouts such as race pace rides, interval training and more.

Grab the handlebars, shift to a tought gear, and find your limit!

Practical Information: 

Meeting Time: 17:30 

Departure Time: 18:00 

Meeting Point: Moravská 1546/27

Distance: 64km

Elevation: 842m 

Surface: Tarmac

Pre-ride information:

You can look forward to coffee, cake and something special!

Information during the ride:

0-12 km / ride in a compact group at an easy pace

12-60 km / ride in a line, make regular changes, and maintain a fast pace (not maximum, but 70-80% effort)

60-64 km / cool down and enjoy the descent to the SBCR.

Information after the ride:

We'll have a nice after ride relax at SBCR. Isadore invites you to a beer or a soft drink! The sun will be setting, so we can take the train to Prague together.

Tips on how to keep a good pace:

Focus on the horizon - it's a key part of the hill. Save your energy and keep your pace; don't go too fast at the start of the hill.

Keep it tight - don't leave gaps in front of you.

When you take the lead, maintain the pace - don't speed up!

Don't ride technical sections of the route at full gas - If you are leading a group, ride all technical sections with a reserve.

Isadore Verified Club
Púchov, Trenčín, Slovakia