Wellesbourne Wheelers - Hastings Ride

10:00 Chaque semaine le jeudi
Point de rencontre Old Ettington Road - Wellesbourne CV35 9QS
Tranquille (en groupe)

The Hastings group meets at 10.00am throughout the year and - between March and November - usually ride at least 40 miles, with the distance typically increasing to around 50 to 55 miles during the summer months of May to September. Lunch stops are taken at roughly the midway point of the ride and our aim is to be back in Wellesbourne before 3pm.

Winter rides - between December and February - are shortened to 30 to 35 miles, with an approximate 1pm refreshment stop at (or near) the end of the route. Average speeds range between 15 and 17 mph dependent on the terrain and we have a policy of regrouping at the top of hills so that nobody gets left behind. We utilise a two abreast formation when safe to do so and we ride in single file (temporarily splitting the group if appropriate) when on busy main roads.

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