The History of Cycling in Chicago Tour

09:00 Samstag
Treffpunkt Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W Washington St, Chicago, IL 60602, USA
Moderat (warten auf alle) / Größtenteils flach

Join me, The Wheelman, and Chris McAuliffe, author of Cycling in Chicago (Images of America), as we pedal down memory lane to learn about Chicago’s rich cycling history. We’ll start our journey at Daley Plaza near where bicycling manufacturing once thrived. We’ll discuss a variety of important cycling events that took place in Chicago during the mid-1800’s thru the early-1900’s. To help paint the picture of how popular cycling was during this time period, we will view and discuss vintage photos, bike catalogs, and brochures along the tour. Carey Williams will talk us through this important time in history, along with his fellow Wheelman who will be riding antique bicycles dressed in period apparel. The carefully planned route will take us past where several prominent bike manufactures and showrooms once stood, where indoor racing events took place, and along some of the routes where early outdoor racing competitions occurred.

Date: Sunday, June 10th, 2018
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Cost: $25 (Includes a donation to the Wheelman)
Registration Link:
Departure Location: Daley Plaza (under the Picasso)
Lunch: The Empanada Bike
Total Distance Round Trip: 35 Miles
Average Speed: 10-12 MPH with rest stops planned along the way.
Skill level: Moderate ride / No drop
Gear: bike, lock, helmet, hydration, snacks and a camera

Here are the tour’s highlights:

Multiple locations used by Arnold & Schwinn Co.

Loring & Keene’s First Chicago Velocipede

A G Spaulding

Ellsworth Zouave Hall Riding School and Showroom


Vintage Bicycle Magazine Locations

Major Taylor’s extremely important role in cycling

Mead Cycle

The Famous Race to Pullman

Riding Schools and Showrooms from the past

Chicago Handle Bar Co.

Excelsior Supply Company

Rambler Factory Building

Monarch Cycling

Illinois Cycle Works

Pope Mfg. (Columbia)

Western Wheel Works (Crescent)

Cycle Smithy (Antique bikes and Artifacts)

Oscar Wastyn (Antique bikes and Artifacts)

Extended Portion of Tour

Rosehill Cemetary (Ignaz Schwinn Grave)

Gary’s Cycle Shop (Antique Racing Bicycle and Photos)

Graceland Cemetary (Featherstone Grave)

Too much to list.....

Chicago, Illinois