MAC & JAC Halloween Run Challenge!

12:00 PM Tuesday
Meet Up Spot Casgrain Building, 21,275 Lakeshore Dr, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue (Que) H9X 3L9 Canada
Beginner / Road

Our first challenge will be a Ghost Race from October 24th until October 31st, 2017! Join us as we run a 5 km route on MAC campus. There are great prizes to be won!

Prizes for
1-First person to run the route in the period above (counts as of 12:00 A.M. Midnight Oct 24)
2- Running the route the most times
3- Fastest Male time
4- Fastest Female time
5- Running the route wearing the coolest Halloween costume! (upload a picture!)

I will be at the Casgrain building at noon on October 24th for those who would like to run the route with a guide! The race is open to MAC & JAC staff, students and the community! You can run the route as many times as you like beginning October 24th and ending October 31st. Tell your friends!!

Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada