10K Bookish Blitz (a literary run)

19:30 木曜日
待ち合わせスポット Muntpunt
初心者 / ルート

Link to a google map with some info of some highlights we run by tonight: https://tinyurl.com/4r36j34n

A literary inspired run together with library Muntpunt. We run passing by places where famous authors like Victor Hugo lived for a while. Or where the relationship between Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaurd dramatically ended. Or we might just spot comic or literary street art. 😃 We start close to Place de Monnaie that played a role in the independence of Belgium and cruise downtown passing by dozens of literary inspired locations.

Meet up: muntpunt cafe, backside of the library, Leopoldstraat
Pace: 10k/hour
Bag & sweater drop

BXL RUN CREW 確認済みクラブ
Brussels, Brussels-Capital, Belgium