CycleWerks Inside-Out Saturday Morning Rides

08:30 Semanalmente aos(às) Sábado
Ponto de encontro 6760 Providence St, Whitehouse, Ohio 43571
Casual (em grupo) / Plano na maior parte

Announcing our new off season weekly rides. Join us every Saturday morning (starting November 3rd) for EITHER an indoor training ride OR an outdoor ride - you choose. For the indoor rides, we provide Wahoo Smart Trainers. Bring your bike, Ipad or smart phone, towel and water bottle if you are riding Indoors. Warm clothes and a CX, Fat or Mountain Bike for outdoors. Hot chocolate/coffee and donuts will be provided following the rides. Routes will be posted the day before each ride.

If you are planning to ride indoors for this ride, we need to reserve a trainer for you. please let us know here.

Toledo, Ohio