PBS Sunday rides

10:00 Semanalmente aos(às) Domingo
Tempo / Maioritariamente plano

Join us as we continue our years old tradition of hosting a big road training ride every Sunday.

All levels of riders and particularly Women are strongly encouraged to show up, this is a fantastic way to build speed and get comfortable with pack riding in a solid group ride. The format allows for re-grouping on the out and back sections and/or riding counter clockwise to catch back on to the group if things split up. Get dropped? It is easy to get back into the group.


Full fenders, buddy flaps and puncture resistant tires are required. Bring more than 1 spare tube and a pump. Dirty 30 is called that for a reason; you will get a flat at some point this year, don't inconvenience your friends anymore than needed! Bring everything you need to be self sufficient and get your butt home.

Portland, Oregon