Ride No. 2 with Geoff Coombes

06:00 Friday
Meet Up Spot Underneath the Narrows Bridge, far North Side
Casual (No-Drop) / Mostly Flat

Geoff Coombes will be over for a couple of days and riding Thursday and Friday. Feel free to mention and invite to anyone intersted in joining a Tour de Cure Ride.

Easy chatting pace ride where no one will be dropped.

Meet at 6am underneath the Narrows Bridge on the far North side by the cycle path that comes past from the North.

It's about a 45km loop with a coffee stop towards the end (Applecross, South Perth, CBD etc) that will be decided on the day, so bring coffee money. If you're time limited, there is no need to stop.

Tour Training Ride - All Tours all of the TDC family is welcome.

TDC Riding Level: Level 2 and up https://tourdecure.com.au/get-involved/tour-de-cure-rider-level-definitions/.....

Note; Development Level 1-2 rides will be available as required - get in touch with me if you would like one.

Please bring the following:
Spare tube/gas or pump 
If you are new to riding with Tour de Cure we insist that you:
1. Read and commit to the TDC Etiquette document: https://tourdecure.com.au/media/1049/tdc-etiquette-guide.pdf
2. Hold a current bicycle organisation membership; e.g. Bicycle NSW. This provides you with 3rd Party Property & Personal insurance. See http://bicyclensw.org.au/membership/
3. Ride a road bike in excellent condition (no tri-bars), regularly serviced, clip-in pedals, working front/rear lights, helmet (approved), cycling kit.

Please call me if you have any questions, and if you are a new rider to Tour de Cure, please do give me a call. 0404 170 149.

Perth, Western Australia, Australia