Mine Hill Half Marathon

8:30 AM Sunday
Meet Up Spot 5 Mine Hill Rd., Roxbury, CT
Intermediate / Road

There's still time to join us for the toughest road half marathon in Connecticut!

The Mine Hill Half Marathon is one of the most beautiful, yet breathtaking (both visually and physically!) races you will run! You will experience sweeping country views past farms, fields, and vistas. If you can get through the first half of the course, it is virtually downhill the entire second half of the race. With the start/finish at the Mine Hill Distillery in Roxbury, CT, it creates a great backdrop and an awesome after party!






- The race starts at the distillery and quickly heads onto Route 67 for about 3/4 mile before turning left onto Sentry Hill Rd.
- At around 1.5 miles, runners take a left onto the soft dirt of Judds Bridge Road.
- Trending downhill for the next mile, you cross the iconic Judds Bridge and past a beautiful farm.
- Turning right in another 1/4 mile, is Walker Brook Rd. Don't let the flat landscape along the creek fool you...the hills are coming.
- At 3.7 miles, the fun begins as you make your way onto Shinar Mountain Rd. It starts off with a gentle grade, but then turns quickly up. It's about a mile climb with just a small false flat in the middle.
- Shinar Mountain turns into Lower Church Hill Rd at just over 5 miles and trends a little uphill before a steep downhill to the next left at West Church Hill Rd. This is 1/2 mile hill with almost 250' of gain to reach the highest point on the course at the halfway point.
- At the top, runners will stay left to continue on West Church Hill and begin the downhill trek back to the distillery.
- After a jarring 1/2 mile downhill, runners turn left at 7.6 miles onto the gentle Walker Brook Rd., a gentle sloping dirt road with a babbling brook next to you almost the whole way.
- Another mile and half down the road, the terrain will start to look familiar as it's time to retrace your steps back to the finish.
- Crossing back over Judds Bridge, runners take a right and head up the rolling dirt road before the right onto Sentry Hill and the penultimate right onto Route 67.
- It's a fast finish as you running downhill next to the Shepaug River before making the quick right onto Mine Hill Rd. and the finish at the distillery!
