Homage to the Dirty Kanza Segment KOM/PR Challenge

08:00 dimanche
Allure de course / Plutôt plat

Join the FasCat Coaching Gravel Team and ride the first of four Strava segment challenges 'with' us this Summer.  Upload this Dirty Kanza-esque route and ride it for training and then go back using Strava’s Live Segment feature and go for a PR.  Dare we say a KOM?!


The BigCat has set the mark with a 6:07 but we bet a local honch can go sub 5 hours.  Gotta try to know! https://www.strava.com/segments/23905669

As FasCat Athlete Phil says, “a race win is a result, but a Strava KOM is a legacy”.  Therefore, as mentioned, the Strava Segment leaderboard will serve us for the ‘results’.

To encourage community and some semblance of the events that we are all missing, FasCat will be out on the route at mile 50 on Sunday May 31st with Gravel Team’s Van, Tent and GU Energy water bottle fill ups + Chews & Stroop waffles.  Bananas, etc.. So you can ride 'light'.  A 50 oz hydration packing ought to get you to and from. 

Social Distancing mandatory - no groups, this is a solo segment challenge.

We’ll organize everyone’s results on Strava using the KOM from this route (start to finish, the whole 100 miles!) https://www.strava.com/segments/23905669
We'll look at the results based on life situations like ‘married, mortgage, 2 kids, full time job’ or ‘living the pro lyfe’.  
In all seriousness, Strava ranks men and women in the age categories: 35 – 44 , 45 – 54, 55 – 64, 65 – 69, 70 – 74 and 75+.  Scroll down for the prizes, training rationale, details, ‘rules’ - pretty simple :: must be completed by yo' self.

Prizes will be donations from local businesses our brand partners, a Month of Coaching and Training Plans from FasCat + our new trucker hats, t-shirts and the FasCat Cycling Kit (jersey & bibs)

 We will check the Strava segment leaderboard for this segment midnight May 31st to determine winners for each category:

Thanks for joining and we'll do one segment a month in June/July & August

FasCat Coaching Club vérifié
Boulder, Colorado