Squadra Castelli [Wednesday]

18:45 水曜日
待ち合わせスポット Neon Flats
カジュアル (脱落なし) / 平坦ルート

Wednesday @ 0945 PST / 1245 EST / 1745 GMT / 1845 CET

Event: https://www.zwift.com/events/view/2679935
Route: https://zwiftinsider.com/route/neon-flats/

We're excited to introduce Squadra Castelli, a 12-week series of workout rides designed to help improve your fitness. Whether you're fresh to structured workouts or looking to restart your fitness, we'd love to have you join us.

This workout series is based on the L’Etape du Tour plan (https://www.zwift.com/news/9286-letape-du-tour-training-club), providing a fantastic programme for all-around fitness.

We'll complete two workouts per week, Monday and Wednesday at 1745 GMT, each workout will typically last around 60 minutes on flat terrain.

The plan is suitable for most fitness levels and, if you're unsure of your level, we recommend performing an FTP test.

Today is Week #3, Workout #6: ‘Strength Tempo #2’

Monday’s session was ‘Mitochondria #1’:

If you miss a session and need to catch up, all workouts can be found on Zwift under ‘L’Etape du Tour Training Club’.

Complete the ride to unlock the Castelli Virtual Aero Green kit.

If you’re in need of motivating tunes, check out the Squadra Castelli playlist. This is collaborative, so feel free to add some tracks:

Squadra Castelli 確認済みクラブ
Fonzaso, Belluno, Italy