Holimites Sellaronda Moonlight #1/18

19:30 Dinsdag
Ontmoetingsplek Ustaria Posta
Gemakkelijk (voor iedereen) / Killerbeklimmingen

Holimites Sellaronda Moonlight rides - What I need to know

Date: May 28th, or in case of bad weather ride is postponed of one day.

between 7:30 PM – 8:00 PM at Hotel Ustaria Posta

Starting time:
"paracarri*" group: 8:00 PM
"fenomeni" group: 8:30 PM (group descriptions below)

Mandatory Equipment:
> WORKING front and rear lights (don’t show up with dead batteries!)
> night-time safety vest (use the one in your car if you don't want to buy one for the event)

Sag vehicle:
The Holimites Sag vehicle will follow on the passes. Make sure you hand over your spare clothing before 8:00 PM. At this point the van will leave and follow the first group that started early. The van will wait for everyone on the Passo Pordoi and then try to catch up with all the other riders on the following passes. Make sure to always have some warm clothing with you.

Time cut:
Remember the tale of Cinderella? Well, the same thing happens to the Holimites sag van:
at midnight it will turn back into a pumpkin and the driver goes back to being a mouse. Make sure you take out your clothing from the pumpk…. ehmmm sag vehicle before it happens!!!

You are riding at night, so it’s even more important you follow strictly the rules of the road:
On the descents keep in mind that you will NOT see potholes or cracks in the road. Usually you just FEEL them when it’s too late. Maintain a safe speed on the descents. Please consider that at night many animals (deers, marmots, foxes … cyclists) are out at night and traversing the roads. They won’t hear us because we won’t be making noise like a car, and you may have close encounters when least expect it (after turns, etc.) Be on the watch for the eyes that glow in the dark; if you see a pair, there are sure to be others around. SLOW down slowly and signal out loud to other people following you!

Entry fee and sign up:
There is no entry fee but a TIPPING fee for the van support and driver that takes care of your clothing. Tipping 19.00 Euro per person is appreciated. You will also receive a special souvenir for this occasion.
For safety reasons places are limited. If you want to sign-up send an E-mail at info@holimites.com

Group description:
Paracarri vs. Fenomeni
We’re guessing you already know the italian cycling terms like: passista, scalatore, gruppetto, etc. These are the 'gentle' terms. Instead we like to call our groups with the terms used in competitive racing - the slang you hear shouting in the main group!

The first one: Paracarri, is the plural of paracarro which means “guard stone” - you can still find them on the Dolomite passes. Do "paracarri" move forward? Maybe with a strong push :-)

The second one: Fenomeni, is the plural of fenomeno - a phenomenon or a freak. We’re pretty sure you know a few of them: the ones that when you plan to go out for an easy spin sprint at every town sign or ride half-wheel throughout the ride.

Which group will you join?

Official hashtag: #sellarondamoonlight

Badia, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italia