Costco Loop


21,82 mi
192 ft
Morning Costco Ride
Erstellt von
Robert Brandenburg

Route und Höhe


Prospect North Sprint0,94 mi7 ft0,0 %
Shermer Road North Golf to Glenview1,22 mi0 ft0,0 %
Lehigh (Washington to West Lake)1,46 mi-7 ft-0,0 %
Lehigh North Chestnut to Costco turn1,13 mi-7 ft-0,0 %
Wed CCC - The Glen N0,66 mi-10 ft0,0 %
Glen Club Bypass SB1,15 mi-16 ft-0,1 %
Shermer Rd S. Bound - Lake to Golf1,59 mi13 ft0,1 %
Shermer South Central to Golf0,68 mi7 ft0,2 %
Prospect Sprint0,91 mi0 ft0,0 %
Touhy to Greenwood0,44 mi-7 ft-0,2 %
OLD VERSION - Sibley between Dee and Aldine0,43 mi-7 ft-0,3 %