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#XDP17 CrossduroPennines v1.0

Itinéraire de sortie à vélo

103,08 mi
12 550 pi
Racing Collective Crossduro Pennines Route 2017
Créée par
Simon G

Itinéraire et dénivelé


NomDistanceDéniveléPente moy.
Digly Short Sprint0,15 mi36 pi3,1 %
little bend0,13 mi26 pi3,9 %
Past the guide cottage0,52 mi82 pi2,9 %
Holme Moss to Woodhead Descent2,67 mi-896 pi-6,3 %
Holme Moss Speed Test1,77 mi-705 pi-7,3 %
cussycod - running the gauntlet....0,58 mi-23 pi-0,1 %
Dam you all to hell0,59 mi-105 pi-3,3 %
petit roubaix0,22 mi56 pi4,7 %
Chew Road climb 1st part0,17 mi66 pi7,1 %
res track to gate chew climb0,59 mi230 pi7,3 %
Chew Climb from the gate0,95 mi545 pi10,9 %
Gate to Chew and back1,93 mi-561 pi0,0 %
First Gate to layby;0,50 mi289 pi10,9 %
Rob's rocks to Chew0,39 mi233 pi11,1 %
Get your sprint on!0,13 mi151 pi21,8 %
Quarry to Chew Res0,23 mi72 pi5,6 %
Chew Ramp (DH 17-2 ext)0,19 mi-72 pi-7,3 %
Down from Chew1,63 mi-830 pi-9,6 %
Chew Ramp (DH) 17-20,07 mi-46 pi-10,8 %
Chew decent to gate0,94 mi-548 pi-11,0 %
Barrier Descent0,24 mi-135 pi-10,3 %
Short Straight0,19 mi-20 pi-1,9 %
Dovestones Bank Lane Climb0,59 mi-92 pi-2,4 %
Forrest Bump0,32 mi79 pi1,1 %
Out of Delph1,17 mi200 pi2,6 %
TWG Delph to Denshaw2,07 mi213 pi1,9 %
Belly Tickler0,35 mi-39 pi-1,5 %
AF C 890,90 mi344 pi7,3 %
Heart attack hill (KBMBC)0,18 mi85 pi8,2 %
Lumbutts Rd - Rochdale Rd to Shepherds Rest1,15 mi308 pi5,1 %
Karn Evil 90,54 mi194 pi6,8 %
Church Lane till Colden Road0,17 mi98 pi10,5 %
Pennine Way Climb1,03 mi279 pi5,1 %
Gorple descent0,55 mi-223 pi-7,6 %
Lower Gorple Downhill0,25 mi-118 pi-8,8 %
MIdgeholeRut0,10 mi-82 pi-14,2 %
Hebden Lump - Avoiding the traffic lights - Don't even think about flagging this segment :-D0,05 mi10 pi2,7 %
Bottom To Sykes Gate corner2,70 mi604 pi4,2 %
Cragg Road - steep bit1,25 mi315 pi4,8 %
Cragg school to the top3,54 mi617 pi3,2 %
Cragg Steep Bit !0,17 mi75 pi8,1 %
Cragg Vale (top half)2,54 mi305 pi2,3 %
Cragg Vale Sprint finish0,56 mi30 pi0,7 %
Tour de France end of Cragg0,36 mi-10 pi-0,2 %
Blackstone descent East1,40 mi-364 pi-4,8 %
Blackstone Edge To Batings Reservour1,40 mi-381 pi-5,2 %
Rochdale Road from Blackstone Edge Short0,63 mi-20 pi-0,6 %
Rochdale Rd Partial Decent 0,88 mi-85 pi-1,7 %
Rishworth false flat0,47 mi79 pi3,2 %
I'm having this one day ! ... signed RR.0,15 mi36 pi4,6 %