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+ 90

East London Towpaths

Ruta de la carrera

6.23 mi
183 ft
This mostly traffic-free, flat, paved route takes you on a tour of East London via four different towpaths along London’s historic canals – the Limehouse Cut, River Lea, Hertford Union and Regent's Canals. Starting from the redeveloped Limehouse Basin you will run past narrowboats and locks, over and under bridges and even get a peek at the Olympic Park. You’ll find a variety of scenery along your way from industrial buildings to manicured parks. Highlights include the floating towpath on the Limehouse Cut, the Olympic Stadium, Victoria Park, and Mile End Park. You might try a detour through the meandering paths of Mile End Park or extend this route by continuing along the Thames.
Creada por
Strava Athlete

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de altitudPendiente media
Limehouse Cut3.11 mi26 ft0.0 %
Limehouse Cut - Commercial Rd to A121.15 mi-20 ft-0.1 %
Regent's Canal1.27 mi-30 ft-0.2 %
Bow Roundabout to Victoria Park2.29 mi39 ft0.2 %
Canal sprint1.00 mi-10 ft-0.1 %
Jebb Street Climb0.18 mi151 ft15.3 %
Victoria Park Canal Path (SW)1.16 mi39 ft0.5 %
Canal Junction to Limehouse1.51 mi-33 ft-0.3 %
Vic park to Limehouse1.51 mi-30 ft-0.4 %
Fish & Float to Railway Bridge1.03 mi-20 ft-0.3 %