Aurora, Scotts Mills, Molalla Foothills 53 miles.


52,86 mi
3.745 ft
S Butte Creek Road to S Gibboney To Elk Prairie to Sawtell to S Maple Grove to Wilhoit to Dart. Alternatives: Could do Barstow loop and return S Butte Creek to avoid the big climb. Could also take Sawtell all the way to cutoff to Dryland (instead of Maple Grove to Wilhoit).
Erstellt von
Brandon C

Route und Höhe


Zimmerman Draw0,32 mi-39 ft-0,2 %
Needy Sandwich TT Barnards to Monte Cristo4,96 mi72 ft0,1 %
Barnards to Heinz TT1,26 mi-46 ft-0,2 %
Homeward Stretch0,95 mi-23 ft-0,3 %
Reverse Zimmerman Draw0,51 mi39 ft0,3 %